Katrine Lyck (b. 1992, Denmark) received her bachelor's in Illustration from Edinburgh College of Art in 2018 and graduated with MA in Print at the Royal College of Art in 2022. Today she teaches and works at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. Lyck has exhibited several places in London including Yorkton Workshops, Southwark Park Galleries, Royal Overseas League and Green and Stone. She was artist in residence at the international poetry festival Stanza in St. Andrews in 2022 and was recently at Art Print Residence focusing on large-scale intaglio printing. In 2023 she was awarded the CSR Award from Travers Smith.

Teaching CV
2023             Teaching relief and intaglio techniques at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art
2023             Printmaking course at Grundtvigs Højskole
2023             Printmaking course for Kulturskolen Viborg at Viborg Grafisk Værksted
2023             Weekend Course in non-toxic etching at Viborg Grafisk Værksted.
2022/23       Weekend courses in monotype at Skolen for Kunst og Design, Aarhus.
2022            Life drawing classes at Skolen for Kunst og Design, Aarhus.
2022            Linocut course for The Animation Workshop at Viborg Grafisk Værksted
2021            Workshop and artist talk at the University of Gloucestershire

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